Thursday, September 17, 2009

English Bulldog Set on Fire


Imagine being purposely set on fire and having absolutely NOTHING to do about it.

That's the story of sweet Churchill, the bulldog, who was so viciously set on fire last week in San Antonio, Texas. I don't know anymore details other than that as I cannot bear to read the full story, which can be found here.

It will take an estimated $10,000 to get this sweet boy back on the road to recovery. I'm begging all of my readers to please, please send in your Starbucks fund for the week so that Churchill can have a joyous and happy life in a loving home. (I know it's pumpkin spice latte season, but think of the horrible injuries you're helping to heal!)

I'm working on getting together a sort of 'swag' goodie bag to those who donate to Churchill's cause. If you have anything you might be interested in donating (a small gift certificate to your shop, something you make by hand, graphic/blog design service, etc) , please contact me!

I just found this out a couple of hours ago, so give me a bit of time get some things together. I'll be updating asap! And please keep Churchill in your prayers. I know the Lord is watching over this sweet baby right now.

Thanks so much lovely readers! Bless all you animal lovers out there!


UPDATE: So far, here are the AWESOME animal loving shops that will be featured in "Churchill's Swag Bag":

Tucker Blair

Just Simply Southern
Preppy in Pink

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