Thursday, January 14, 2010

Martha: Blogger Edition

Hey Girls did you see Martha today? She was celebrating Bloggers. She had some interesting guests but I thought the best part was that so many of the Bloggers were preps! Also Jennifer & Alexis were on and it's so funny to see how she interacts with her mom. She's not afraid to point out what Martha doesn't it's more like Martha has a different perception of Alexis and Alexis likes to set her straight. :)  I'm not sure why it reminded me so much of my mom & I but I really liked it.

There was also a girl who got laid off and wanted a new job at Martha Stewart so she started a blog Hire Me Martha to show off her skills. I'm thinking that is a very creative idea. I wonder if she has had any other job offers. She did say MSO had her resume but no nips yet. Interesting.

Time to start lunch. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Jessica Ryan said...

I recorded the show as my friend was on it. I thought Alexis was downright RUDE and a little biatchy. I thought it was uncalled for actually. Oh well!