Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I just finished reading...

Vengeance in Death

It's not scary like it sounds

It's a mystery and it was very good

JD Robb is actually Nora Roberts
who writes romance novels
but the "In Death"
series are futuristic mysteries with a little hubba hubba on the side  ;)

This is the 6th in the series and I've decided to read them all.
So far there are 36 books and I have read 24.
I wish I could have read them all in a row
then I would understand the character development a little better.
But there is a long que for this particular series so when
I get an email from the library that says one is availiable I run over to
snap it up. heh

This is partly the reason my original goal to post
3 days a week has gone to the wayside

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Megilon said...

I might have to check this out. I love Nora Roberts books but I've never checked out her J. D. Robb books.