Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hopeless Cook

I have never been a good cook. I don't have the patience.
So when I saw one of my girlfriends had become a fan of Dinner Done I checked it out.

I am SOLD with a capitol S.

Not only do they make a great meal that I can pop in the oven and forget till the timer goes off
but they now offer free delivery to my area on the 3rd Weekend of the month.

The food is delish.
I can go and make it at their place
or they can make it for me for an additional $1.75
and if they make it for me I can get it delivered free.

OMG, this is the best invention ever.


Have a great day!


Heather Keen said...

I had the same reaction the first time I tried it! Way before they offered free delivery this way! I am so glad you liked it!

Anonymous said...

I need to check that out asap! Thanks for sharing! xoxo

What Kate Wore said...

We have several friends who use this service, or a similar one, and they swear by it!

Hope you have a great weekend Miss Preppy,

Gwen said...

We have something similar called Social Suppers. You can go there or they can prepare for you. We get a company discount so I plan on trying them out starting the first delivery of next month. They come in 6 servings per meal so they would totally feed our family twice. And I love the idea of easy meals!!! XOXO