Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yeah, I did it!

Thanks everyone for all your comments about my food raiser for the Humane Society!
As you all predicted it was a HUGE success  :)
We collected 3145 pounds of food
(yep, that's over a ton of food. cool, huh?)


plus the Humane Society gets 10% of sales for the day and there were a LOT of people there.
I also partnered with Petco and they are matching the donations
(hopefully..cause thats a lot more food than I ever thought possible)
AND Petco is going to continue collecting donations till the end of the year!

So, pretty successful considering I didn't think anyone would show ;)

Have a great day!
and I promise to stop talking about it now, heh

1 comment:

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

How amazing!! Congratulations on such a successful event!