Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yeah, I did it!

Thanks everyone for all your comments about my food raiser for the Humane Society!
As you all predicted it was a HUGE success  :)
We collected 3145 pounds of food
(yep, that's over a ton of food. cool, huh?)


plus the Humane Society gets 10% of sales for the day and there were a LOT of people there.
I also partnered with Petco and they are matching the donations
(hopefully..cause thats a lot more food than I ever thought possible)
AND Petco is going to continue collecting donations till the end of the year!

So, pretty successful considering I didn't think anyone would show ;)

Have a great day!
and I promise to stop talking about it now, heh

Thursday, September 23, 2010

If you live near Tampa please visit me Sunday!


I LOVE television but FOX not so much anymore.
I'm not intentionally not watching... I don't think.
but since my favorite show, Sarah Connor Chronicles was cancelled
I guess I don't have much faith in FOX anymore.
So I don't watch the programs anymore.
I mean they brought us the X Files and now we have Fringe? Yuck
I realize they got a new pres..from NBC....
Maybe thats why the network seems so so now.
Anyhow, just wanted to throw my 2 cents out there

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mad Men: I have fallen

Last year when I read all the Mad Men posts..I just didn't get it.
Now, I hate to miss it and I re-watch it on demand :)
Thanks Ladies

I've really liked the show that pays before it too, Rubicon

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ugly Betty

The TV Guide Chanel had reruns of Ugly Betty today
I can't believe how much I miss it  :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Guess what the problem was

So I've been trying to sign on to site meter to check it out.
I couldn't figure out why a kept getting the error message.
Turns out the hubs put a block on my computer so pages that
try to send me a cookie are blocked.
Yep, all this time it was me  :)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Site Meter

I was reading Preppy Pink Croc's blog and she was talking about Site Meter
Has anyone else used this?
I've been trying to sign on since I read it but the site has been unavailiable.
Has it maybe been turned off?
Have you heard?
ok, just tried it again and getting "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
anyone else having trouble?